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Shamanism's Global Tapestry: From Ancient Rituals to Modern Practices

In a world where GPS can pinpoint your location down to the meter, the practice of shamanism reminds us that not all journeys are mapped out on a screen. To ask where shamanism is practiced globally is to unfold a map of human culture itself, revealing a spiritual network as widespread as the internet, but far less concerned with cat videos and meme culture.

Shamanism is not confined by borders or hemmed in by geography. From the windswept tundra of Siberia to the lush rainforests of the Amazon, from the craggy peaks of the Himalayas to the sun-baked soil of the African savannah, shamanism thrives. It is practiced wherever there are people to remember the old ways, to honor the spirit world, and to seek healing beyond the reach of modern medicine.

Let’s start with Siberia, often regarded as the wellspring of shamanistic practice. Here, in the vast expanse where the term 'shaman' originated, shamans continue to play a vital role in indigenous communities, acting as healers, storytellers, and custodians of ancestral wisdom. Crossing continents, in the Americas, shamanism is deeply ingrained in the fabric of Native American and Amazonian tribal traditions, where ayahuasca ceremonies and vision quests serve as pathways to spiritual enlightenment.

In Asia, shamanism weaves its magic through the steppes of Mongolia and the rural villages of Korea, where shamans, or mudangs, conduct gut rituals to commune with the divine. Even in the high-tech hubs of Seoul, you can find these spiritual practitioners offering guidance amid the urban sprawl.

Africa, with its rich tapestry of cultures, hosts a variety of shamanic traditions. The sangomas and inyangas of Southern Africa are renowned for their divination and herbal medicines, blending the ancestral with the immediate, and the sacred with the practical.

But shamanism isn’t just an artifact of the past; it has found its way into the bustle of modern life. In the West, there has been a resurgence of interest in shamanistic practices, with people from all walks of life seeking out soul retrievals, drumming circles, and shamanic journeying to navigate the complexities of 21st-century existence.

The global spread of shamanism reflects a universal human quest for connection with something greater than ourselves. It's practiced wherever there is a longing for healing, a need for guidance, or a desire to maintain a dialogue with the natural world. In this way, shamanism is as much a part of the global village as any technology or ideology.

The practice of shamanism is a thread that runs through the tapestry of human culture, its colors vibrant in some areas, more subdued in others, but always part of the whole. From remote villages to urban centers, it adapts, evolves, and endures, a testament to its timeless relevance and its capacity to speak to the human spirit across ages and civilizations.

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